الآراميون في التاريخ | KO120006

الأب ألبير أبونا - وثائقية

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  1. اتمنى اعادة تحميل الجزء 29 من كتاب الموسوعة الشاملة في تاريخ الحروب الصليبية لفقده من الموقع للاهمية .

    محمد حسين

  2. Sorry I post my commet but I thnk in coping and pasting I missed it up.Here's what I was saying; The picture is not for Aramaic people. It’s for Assyrian civilization in North of Iraq in Nineveh, Dihok, and Arbaeal which called today Arbial. Also, the flag that is showing in the picture is Assyrian flag and it is considered up to date our flag in North and around the world.


  3. The picture is not for Aramaic people. It’s for Assyrian civilization in North of Iraq in Nineveh, flag and it is still considered as our flag in North of Iraq or in around the world. Dihok and is Assyrian Arbaeal which called today Arbial. Also, the flag that is showing in the picture is Assyrian flag and it is considered up to date our flag in North and around the world.


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