12 - كيف يترك الله إبنه الوحيد يصلب؟ | DR170012

الأخ وحيد - الأخ سامي - شبهات وردود

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  1. 12 - كيف يترك الله إبنه الوحيد يصلب؟ Reverend Brothers Wahid and Samy, peace and grace be with you. This episode provided an in-depth analysis of the facts Jesus Christ revealed regarding His crucifixion well in advance prior to the event. It also, explains the role of the Father and the son in the process of redemption. Samy, cleverly questioned how Muslims try hard to deny the redemption. Wahid, answered thoroughly and revealed the fact that Islam is targeted against Christians and Jews. It was so interesting to know that Islam did not mention the 250 registered religion around the globe. I hope these issues get answers from our Muslim brothers and sisters. Faith Hope Love, Australia.


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