فيديو  قناة الحياة  إغتصاب  المسيحية  الأخ وحيد  الأخ رشيد  الإسلام  الرق  العبودية  جنس
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100 - الرق والعبودية بين الإسلام والمسيحية | DR150100

الأخ رشيد - الأخ وحيد - سؤال جرئ

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تعليقات 6

ماذا يعلم الإسلام عن الرق والعبودية، هل حرم الإسلام الرق أم شجع عليه؟ هل محمد كان له عبيد وإماء أم حرمهم على نفسه؟ هل كان للصحابة عبيد وإماء؟ بالمقابل: ما الذي يعلمه الكتاب المقدس عن الإستعباد؟ هل المسيحية تشجع على الرق في تعاليمها؟ وهل كان للمسيح أو تلاميذه عبيد وإماء؟

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  1. انا عاوزه اسال سوال لماذا لم يلغى المسيح العبوديه بوصيه الهيه ارجو الرد رجاء محبه


  2. من الصعب جدا ان نفصل بين الاسلام كدين ،والاسلام كسياسة،فكل ما كان ينبغى ان يغيرة الدين من عادات وتقاليد سيئة وغير انسانية ،يجدها تتعارض مع المصلحة السياسية لة،لان نبى الاسلام كانت دعوتة فى الاساس من اجل تكوين دولة بالفتوحات وايضا انتشار الدين،فمضى مع التيار واخذ يشرع لها القوانين بدلا من تغيرها،ومنذ فترة قصيرة شاهدت داعية اسلامى على قناة فضائية يقول عقبال لما نشوف المسلم لة عشرة من ملكات اليمين،وهل هذة تعاليم دين تتماشى مع القرن الواحد والعشرين . .


  3. The slavery in the New Testament is based on financial need, just as we all need a job to earn money. There were no wars or booty, as it stands against all Christian values. Therefore, the slaves mentioned are people who offered their services for money as it was customary at that time. But the question is “Is this slavery the traditional slavery that we all familiar with?” When we attempt to understand the Bible, we must take it as a whole. Reading bits and pieces will not lead to proper understanding. To understand slavery in Christianity, we must first know the moral values of the Bible. Therefore, if a Christian owns a slave, say female, he can’t: 1) Curse her, “And whoever says, 'You fool!' will be liable to the hell of fire.” Matthew 5:22 2) Abuse her, “Whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council” Matthew 5:22 3) Beat her, “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.” Mathew 5:7 4) Have sex with her out of marriage, “For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and the two shall become one flesh?” Mathew 19:5 5) Must pay her fair wages, “The worker is worthy of his support” Mathew 10:10 6) Must give her money should she asks for help, “Give and it shall be given to you” Mathew 19:19 7) Must love her as his sister “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.” John 13:34 8) Must treat her as he wants her to treat him, “Whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them” Mathew 7:12 If he can’t do all the above, then what kind of ownership this can be? Ownership means total control over the owned subject. These restrictions above would deny the owner his rights as a master, and subsequently would make owning slaves obsolete in its traditional sense. I would venture to say that this is not qualified to be a “master-slave” relationship but would be “employer-employee” relationship. That is why Judaism was made perfect in Christianity. But by itself is incomplete. The true holy and perfect plan of God was revealed in Christ, Glory be to him.


  4. الرق نظام اقتصادي في العصور القديمة ولم يكن من الممكن تحريمه فقد كان العبيد يقومون مقام الآلات ولم يصبح للبشرية القدرة علي الارتقاء ورفض هذا الأمر الكريه إلا بعد اختراع الآلات والاسلام دين حربي لذلك زاد عدد العبيد وبالتالي زادت التشريعات حتي أصبح المسلم والفقيه كلاهما في مأزق شديد في هذا العصر الذي تمتع فيه الإنسان بالكثير من الحرية وبدون تبرير يجب أن نعترف كمسلمين أنه لا فائدة من كل النصوص والأحاديث التي تتحدث عن الرق فقد أصبحت نصوص في ذمة التاريخ ومن العبث محاولة إحيائها . magic


  5. 100 - الرق والعبودية بين الإسلام والمسيحية Hi Dear Brother Rasheed and Wahid, Congratulations for a fantastic episode. Rasheed as usual directed inputs from the speaker and the audience in such a great manner. Wahid presented an outstanding survey of the “slavery” in Islam presented. Both explained the freedom we gained by the redemption of Jesus Christ our Lord. Not only that, but the episode contributed to spread human rights awareness regarding the slavery that is still practised by Muslim groups in the 21 century. God bless you guys. Faith Hope Love, Australia


  6. مبروك الحلقه المائه .الله معكم


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