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12 - إختبار الأخت إنتصار الخالدي | DR240012
كاتيا سلامة - الأخت إنتصار الخالدي - بلا قيود

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- 38 Posts مدرسة المسيح - شفاء النفس
- 1 Posts مدرسة المسيح - العلاقات الزوجية
2010-02-26 22:25:55
Totally I agree with my sister. I lived in Europe and US and Canada I always felt as a Muslim woman i cannot do some jobs some careers and always no matter what i do will go to Jaheem or hell. Now I am Christian and cannot thank God enough for His Gift to me. my God loves me, my Jesus is great he always cares for what happens my life my world my children my friends my only hope is for all people to find my Lord Jesus Christ.
2010-02-22 21:52:39
VERY Impressive my sister in Christ! I had tears in my eyes listening to you! you are intelligent, you thought through your life about God, you sought him and found HIM...so sorry to hear you had to give up your husband and daughter, God will reward you mightily because you gave up family for him. living for the true God is worth life itself...blessings to you dear sister.
2010-02-12 04:12:39
Congratulation sister Intesar by converting to Christianity which means that you know the real God who save you from the darkness to the brightness. Even you loose nothing, the one who loose is your husband because he still blind not to see and believe in Jesus. God bless you and I am sure that Jesus will compensate you with better life and good Christian husband.
2010-02-07 12:07:59
May Jesus Christ Bless you and your family. But I still don't understand why her brother doesn't speak Arabic and I wonder what language he speaks. Also, she mentioned that her brother used to go to a church with his wife. Is that mean he has already accepted Jesus Christ as a savior to his life? God bless you sister kathy!
2010-02-04 04:33:47
it was very nice just God Bless you and Give you the power to serve Him and tell all the world about Jesus and His love to all nations He is the good shepherd we need to see you again a lot of questions we need to ask.
2010-02-03 06:48:53
اختبار رائع - والرب يعوَض خسارتك في زوجك وابنتك ولكن تأكدي بأن التعويض سيكون أضعاف لان ربنا لا يكون مديونا" لاحد فمن أحب ابا" أو أما" أو ابنا" أو أرضا" أكثر من الرب لا يستحق أن يتبعه . والرب يبارك ايضا" اختك المستنيرة ويدوم عليكم هذه الفرحة التي تكلمتم عليها وتكونوا سبب بركة لكثيرين من ابناء جلدتكم ( عراقنا الحبيب) والرب يبارك حياتكم ويحميكم ويوسّع تخومكم ... صلّي واطلبي ابنتك من يسوع وهو بعدله السماوي سيرتّب الطريق لها ولغيرها , فأن الله لن يترك نفسه بدون شاهد. أناهيد