13 - العزوبة | DR240013

كاتيا سلامة - الأخت سوزان - بلا قيود

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9 تعليق

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  1. my pain from divorce was so great my husband just left me and children bc we he can not spend money on us does not have any moneys so we are not officially divorced but i was so hurt. tks ms susan bc you said God still see me precious and he gives me honer and my place in his heart is big i was so happy to see this program on diff web page but see it again here and it is wonderful. God bliss you and Bliss mrs. Katia too.


  2. good topic but i did not like the guest. she did not say anything value to me. i want to ask her some questions because i know so many friends Iraqi not married. good subject but did not see point from this guest.


  3. Alsalam 3alikom...mein ha el daifa eli 3amali ti7iki dud el marah el moslima, ana ma shift masi7ia a7trimaha, wi kafi ha mashkalat ma3 el marah moslima mu7tramat jami3ahom.


  4. not sure what to think...i am not a happy single...wish you translate this in English, i came here young and want to understand more!


  5. we came to America 7 yrs ago. we are happy here, but i became a widow last year at very very young age. my world completely changed. not sure why, i could see points from this guests, when she said God has different may be plan to her than her sisters. all my 3 brothers and 4 sisters are married with kids too, me the youngest. May be God think i am strong to handle this. May be he wants me to serve more. I still bless my God and Lord. and Still will say Thank YOU! Um Kareem from NJ

    Um Kareem

  6. hello...i liked this show because i married when i was 37 yrs old, and i felt each time i visited my country i was mistreated for being single...thanks for the positive message. now i am a mother of 2 sons.

    Om Kareem

  7. wonderful topic. two things, you should let this single woman speak more - she did not finish so many of sentences. I have 2 sisters in their late 30's and did not get married. they are smart, both teach in university, both are beautiful women. I will send this link to them. I liked the maturity of your guest, but we did not know anything about her: is she engaged? where does she work? what college did she finish? we can only tell she is Egyptian from her Accent! Good Job to all at this program. but let the guest speak more and tell us more about their lives, that is interesting and we always want to know how they experienced life!


  8. I am single at 48 yrs old. I feel blessed, God gave me a great brain, and like the guest said, God has a plan for each of us singles, woman or man. we have to be grateful for his plan. I practice medicine in the USA, and am respected for my career, but also I serve God in my church, and am respected as part of the family of God...Thanks Katia for thinking of us single people to cover this important topic, we need to see more programs like this geared for us single women who can be useful to the world around us! Thanks your are a great hostess!


  9. this is a great show...it was fascinating to see a lady who points our views towards God and what He thinks of me as a woman. I love the verse Ms. Suzanne quoted..it means a lot to me to believe that I am precious in God's sight and that He gives me honor, and He created me complete.


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