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- 17.05.10 مدرسين حجوا بيت الله يدخنون الحشيش في مدرسة السيدة نفيسة 15371 مشاهدات
- 30.05.10 العرب قطط ميتة لا يمكن الإعتماد عليهم يخذلون ويقاتلون بعضهم أخترعوا الصفر وظلوا تحت الصفر 17808 مشاهدات
- 22.05.10 لقد علمنا أن دماء الروم أشهى دماء ... فجئنا لكى نشرب منها 23697 مشاهدات
- 12.07.10 لقاء مع الصحفي نبيل شرف الدين مقابلة صريحة ومتطورة حول عدة قضايا جدير بالمشاهدة 15092 مشاهدات
- 01.07.10 170 - القرآن على رواية حفص 21360 مشاهدات
- 23.06.10 22 - كيف يكون المسيح ابن الله والله في آن؟ 12062 مشاهدات
- 18.08.10 25 - الخيانة الزوجية 13077 مشاهدات
- 14.06.10 15 - شفاء المفلوج 10387 مشاهدات
- 26.07.10 18 - معجزات التطهير 10892 مشاهدات
- 05.08.10 26 - الكرازة بالمسيح 10839 مشاهدات
الإجهاض | DR220012
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المزيد في برامج ودراسات
- 5 Posts خواطر شبابية
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- 9 Posts قد أكمل
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- 3 Posts قصص قصيرة
- 7 Posts كلام في المحظور
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- 1 Posts لاهوت المسيح
- 267 Posts ليكن نور
- 23 Posts معجزات المسيح
- 38 Posts مدرسة المسيح - شفاء النفس
- 1 Posts مدرسة المسيح - العلاقات الزوجية
2010-05-11 06:39:44
Don't you know that abortion is a sin in Christianity too? It is killing a human, and here in the U.S., Christians are against the abortion at all. However, in Islam is permitted in the first three months, in Christianity is not allowed from the first day of pregnancy. Even though if the pregnancy is result of rape incident.
A Wisewoman
2010-05-04 22:08:51
Muslims Clean off Your Minds and Kick out the Sheiks of Islam Why do Muslims ask Quran studiers to answer medical issues? The Sheikh and she-Sheikh want to go back 1120 years back to the Muslim Jurists and scholars to learn about medicine? How strange and ignorant are Muslims? Why Muslims are backward and ignorant? Muslims have become frozen in their minds. Why do the TV commentators go to ignorant people of AlAzhar. Wake up Muslims. Religion is the opium of bumb idiots! This Muslim tribe of Egypt needs to get rid of all Sheiks and dervishes! The Community of Islam is going to death besides Ummat-Al-Islam is killing innocents in the USA and Iraq against Christians (car bombers)! Islam is curse to all humanity. Egypt needs a secular country and the separation between the Mosque and Quran and daily civil-life.
wisdom: quran is not a Medicine Book
2010-05-04 21:52:20
Why do Muslims ask Quran studiers to answer medical issues? The Sheikh and she-Sheikh want to go back 1120 years back to the Muslim Jurists and scholars to learn about medicine? How strange and ignorant are Muslims? Why Muslims are backward and ignorant? Muslims have become frozen in their minds. Why do the TV commentators go to ignorant people of AlAzhar. Wake up Muslims. Religion is the opium of dumb idiots! This Muslim tribe of Egypt needs to get rid of all Sheiks and dervishes! The Community of Islam is going to death besides Ummat Al Islam are killing innocents in the USA and Iraq against Christians (car bombers)! Islam is curse to all humanity. Egypt needs a secular country and the separation between the Mosque and Quran and daily civil-life.
wisdom Muzlims Clean Off Your Minds and Kick out the Sheiks of Islam