18 - حضانة الأطفال في الإسلام | DR250018

الآخت آماني - الآخت فرحة - الآخت مارينا - المرأة المسلمة

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    تحميل الملف - عرض - iPod تحميل الملف

6 تعليق

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  1. I add my voice with all who are questioning the absence of Aboona Zacharia. Where is barnamij Hewar El-haq. May we Know the truth. Please tell us the real cause . Aboona Zacharia we love you and can't wait to see you again. May the King of Glory Jesus be with you and meet all your nees acording to his richness in glory. Love in Christ Helaina


  2. It is time to have 7 daily-programs weekly by many liberated Muslims from Mahomet Quran into Christianity light. I hope that we will have diverse backgrounds such as a Christian Saudi, Algerian, Sudanese, Syrian and Yamani, besides the Moroccan Rashid and our hero Father Zachariah. So, Muzlims in Islam’s captivity will see all aspects of national backgrounds. It is time to have our own gospelling channel to Moslem slaves under Islam siege. We will go after Islam fascism until its complete downfall.

    wisdom: New Approach

  3. We call upon all Copts in the USA, Canada, Europe and Australia to support Father Zakaria financially to have his own TV channel. I urge all Liberals, Free and Conservative Copts to anticipate, convert and switch their donations from the official-Coptic church channels and support what is more important. Don't waste your money in the official-church channels (Agaby and Rts). Such channels were silent when our people were massacred in Naj3 Hamady. Donate all what you can to the splendid Hero, our Father Zakaria Boutros. Let us liberate Muzlims from Islam slavery to liberate our occupied Coptic Republic of Egypt consequently.

    wisdom Proposal

  4. I wonder why the Pagan-Idol “Allah” is a Muzlim? Why the identity card of “Allah” is Islam? Why “Allah” has to surrender and submit unconditionally to the will of monster Mahomet of Mecca stones? Why Allah is impotent and unable to be free. Why Allah’s nationality is “Islam”? The Muzlim “Allah” seems to me is retarded. Muslims have to be Muzlims because Allah is a Muzlim too. Hard to understand it! That is why in Egypt’s constitution: the nation’s identity card is Islam. The nation is Muzlim and trees are muslim! Therefore, Mahomet told Muzlims in Koran Allah’s religion is Islam! Hello Allah, good luck for Allah in Islam.

    wisdom: Allah's Nationality is Islam

  5. Sexism and Racism in Evil Islam. Why Muzlims prevent a Christian man to marry a Muzlim woman? I like to marry a Muzlim woman. Why not?

    wisdom: Sexism and Racism in Islam

  6. للأسف تذكرت أن برنامج سؤال جرئ هذا الاسبوع ليس مباشر ولكنه مسجل ..... كان عندى أمل أننا نفهم حاجة أى حاجة عن غياب برامج أبونا الغالى المباشرة وحتى المسجلة ............ لكن للأسف ....... يارب أرجوك ريحنا من الحيرة والتعب والقلق على أبونا الغالى ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ يا مريح التعابة يا ملك السلام....... ريحنا يارب


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