لقاء عمر أديب والملياردير محمد الفايد | DR220015

مر أديب - الملياردير محمد الفايد - القاهرة اليوم - برامج متنوعة

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 شارك بتعليق 
  1. لقاء في منتهى الروعه . ومن الواضح مشيئة الله في كل عمل. لم يكن كالعاده ذكرا للدين الاسلامي . من الواضح انه لم يذكر الدين ولا مرة واحده . انما كل مره كان يقول حاجه بتاع ربنا . من الواضح انه كان متفق عليه عدم ذكر الاسلام . وهذا كان من مميزات الحلقه والبرنامج . لاكن اذا عدنا الى بداية هذا الرجل العضيم وكيف كان رفضه الى ما حصل معه من تأميم املاكه كان ضلما وجورا اسلاميا الذي حرمه من املاكه .

    ابو الوفاء

  2. ربما الله ارد لك الافضل


  3. Islam is the chronic problem of fascism. Quraysh Mahomet has created absurd-asinine beings, which are called “surrenders” to the will of Mahomet, “Muzlims”. Mahomet’s sexual memoirs and criminal records in Quran have established a new breed of terrorist wolves in human faces. Under the shocking Quran’s antichrist-racist agenda that has circulated Mahomet’s verbal recitations and percept to negate the Holy Bible’s Ten Commandments (Moses Law) at all means. Such Mahomet words were trying to cancel out and abrogate the Holy Grace-Gospel of Our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ to the letter. The culprit founder of Islam was an outlaw monster, thief thug and caravan-looter gangster. The sleazy-notorious Mahomet was the worst pervert pedophile, sex maniac and rapist, rude megalomaniac and slick monomaniac. The demon-possessed Mahomet pronounced out his character in his profane talks which were blatant bickering, slight and plight against his own tribes (33:37, 50). In ten years, the belligerent militaristic Mahomet spread his trail of lies, fallacies and barbaric idiocies and brutalities, by all means. The vicious Mahomet with his naked sword became successful to gain his pursuit of money, sex and power. The concrete liberation from Islam is the sole solution: banning Quran and outlawing Islam.

    wisdom:Islam is the chronic problem of fascism, Alfayed as a Muzlim "invaider" without Thanking the UK

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