24 - مرض التوحد - أطفال الإحتياجات الخاصة | DR240024

الأخت كاتيا سلامة - د. نيفين غبريال - بلا قيود

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مشاهدات 11877

تعليقات 3

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3 تعليق

 شارك بتعليق 
  1. What a blessed family. May the Lord continue to strengthen you. He is your heavenly father, who'll care for your child. These children are truly a blessing. May God give grace to other parents of children with disabilities. This family's strength and the manner they handle this heavy burden is a ministry on its own.

    praise the Lord

  2. It was really a touching program. God bless you


  3. ربنا يكمل الطريق اللتي تصل بهم الى الخلاص والمسيح ينور عقولهم


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