25 - الخيانة الزوجية | DR240025

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الخيانة الزوجية رذيلة يرفضها ويدينها كل الناس حتى في أكثر المجتمعات تحرراً وإستقلالية ولكنها وبحسب الدراسات وإستطلاعات الرأي إلى تزايد مستمر وقد تكون السبب الأول للطلاق وهدم البيوت الزوجية والأسرة. لماذا يخون الرجل شريكة إختارها وتهعد أن يحبها كل العمر. لماذا تخون المرأة رجلا إعتبرته في وقت من الأوقات سيدا على قلبها؟

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  1. amazing courage for this woman to come and share her story. She's beautiful, educated, full of grace and faith. It goes to show you that infedility is an issue of the heart, and has nothing to do with the victim and what they did and didn't do. I have to agree with 'Praise the Lord' that Katia inturrpted the guest too many times. Also she doesn't need to reirritrate what the guest just said or repeat it again by saying "you mean this" Katia is a great hostess but she needs to slow down, and give her guest the courtesy of presenting the topic as experts or experienced in the issue...this show was wonderful. All my respect to this wonderful woman Dr. Hania. God bless your life and reward your faithfulness.


  2. May God bless the guest. She was very graceful; her words were spiritually wise and mature. Unfortunately, Katia had interrupted her on several occassions, when I was intently listening to the guest. Perhaps, Katia needs to slow down a bit. At times, she seems pretty anxious, with lengthy preludes that lose my attention and focus. But, for instance with this guest, her simple words invoked by personal experience are perhaps what's more important and influential to the audience. A word of encouragement to the guest: I'm much elated and encouraged by your faith, and God's grace that's portrayed in you. You exude peace and calm. MAY YOU CONTINUE TO GROW IN HIS WORD.

    praise the Lord

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