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127 - تجلي الخالق في المخلوق - الحلقة الثانية | DR340127
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2013-05-19 22:40:45
“Allah”, the pagan stone of Mecca, has never been transfigured the mountain in Sinai or any other Mountain. This is a Joke and dangerous Joke. ----------- Allah is the worst plunder of translation recently, from Greek and English into Arabic. The Lord Jesus Christ has nothing to do with such heresy of Allah’s Mecca. -------------- The Arabic Language was derived lately from the Assyrian Aramaic one, after the emergence of the called the Cult of Islam or Surrender under Sword Siege, few centuries afterwards. ----------------- Allah is a specific name of one of such Stupid Stones in Pagan Cube of Mecca and has been established before the gangsters of Islam Mafia few centuries before. ----------- Allah is the complete total Blasphemy in Christianity, in every aspect of life and belief. -------------------- The right translation of the Christian-Biblical God into Arabic is “Al-ilah” as a general name concept, with the article (Al) or (The). ------------------ Allah was the fiercest monster in the minds of Desert-Arab tribe of Mecca Areas and Quraysh imposed later by the sword. Allah is the most fictional Myth, Superstition and Illusion ever. ----------------- Don’t Take Allah for real, ignore her completely. She -Allah- is a blind-deaf Useless Stone. She was the bloody idol of the Moon with her symbol “the vagina of Allah”, which is the “Black stone”. ----------------------- Don’t tell me that Allah has transfigured in the mountain. Whom are you kidding? Allah is a blasphemous translation into Arabic. The right translation is (Al-ilah) for the Arabic Bible.
wisdom: Allah Stone cannot transfigure any mountain