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379 - حوار مع د. أحمد صبحي منصور: الجزء الثاني | DR150379
الأخ رشيد - د. أحمد صبحي منصور - سؤال جرئ
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نكمل الحوار الذي بدأناه في الحلقة الماضية، هل هناك نظام خلافة في القرآن؟ من هو الخليفة؟ هل نستطيع أن نعرف محمدا من خلال القرآن فقط؟ هل فعلا آيات القتال في القرآن كانت للدفاع عن النفس؟ من هي القبائل التي هاجمت محمدا في المدينة حتى يدافع عن نفسه ضدها؟ أسئلة كثيرة نحاول من خلالها أن نعرف فهم القرآنيين للإسلام.
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2014-10-10 02:08:20
Regrettably, dr. Ahmad Mansour has been screwed up mentally by the worst evil-source and most fascist man-made book, the so called "Quran", the manifesto of Jihad (Military Invasions and Raids). Our guest professor has played a great deal of dodging, fraud and sneaking around to make Quran not guilty for all Muslims' crimes against Humanity in all ages, generations and centuries. Muslims Killed more than350 Millions since it's dawn in the book (prophet of doom.net) ------------- To dr. Mansours, Muslims are Angels and Islam is Innocent, not guilty of any genocides on the Whole Middle East, North Africa, India, Iran, Spain, etc. Ancient-Egypt Coptic State has been under barbaric Quran-Occupation for 1370 years and the Middle East must be liberated form occupation bondage. ----------- Mansour is a soft dodger to justify the barbarism of polytheist-Islam for death, doom and destructions. Islam Virus and Cancerous Quran which are the most malign Political-project of Invading others for plundering, murdering, terrorizing, servetuding others and confiscating their lands, properties, women. children, etc. Dr. Mansour, please tell us the ugly truth; without Invasions of the caravan looters and Monster imposters, there will be no Muslims and Islam. --------- Dr.Mansour, Islam is not a religion or code of ethics at all. Your Ideal Idol-stone Allah, Allah is the messenger of Mahomet, the(fictional character, not historical, but a Thief-Thug and Monster) and Quran by which mostly was written across centuries by the Aramaic-Jewish Scribes who have stolen the "Jewish Law" of Torah and copied it all to "Islam's Sharia). --------------- Islam is a stolen name from Muslim Bin Habib and means carrying out invasions to impose total surrender and waging wars to subdue and subjugate non-Muslims, Non Surrenders the insulted as "infidels". I advise Mansour to stop dodging, around and dancing around because we can sense your dishonesty for your own Interests. --------- At the end, Islam will be eradicated, sooner not later, with its Quran, Jihad, Sera, Hadiths, revelation jokes and the like to the dust bin of history in the 21st Century
wisdom george,the Coptic