فيديو  قناة الحياة  كلمة  نص قرآني  إذ  المسلمين  الأخ وحيد  الأخت فدوى  رأي العلماء
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الأخ وحيد - الأخت فدوى - الدليل


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في حلقة اليوم نناقش فقط كلمة إذ التي وردت في نص قرآني غير أن المسلمين لا يعرفون موقعها في الجملة, وسنتتبع رأي العلماء في فهمها.

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 شارك بتعليق 
  1. Hi brother Waheed I wish if I could connect with you, your program is fantastic , our Lord Jesus bless you and sister Fadua Quick comment on و الله خير الماكرين How any one could trust an Elah who is a misleading and ntrustfull If he is able to change the appearance of someone to look exactly like the appearance of someone else , would he fail to do his will in a straight manner . And How the Muslims could trust him , if he mislead the Jews and the Christians before them, what is their guarantee that he has not mislead them in the Quran Please write to me if you receive this email Kind regards Adel


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