38 - هل هناك طيور لها أربع أقدام؟ | DR170038

الأخ وحيد - الأخ سامي - شبهات وردود

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3 تعليق

 شارك بتعليق 
  1. Dear Mr. Waheed and Mr. Sami All your programs are very good. God bless both of you for all the information and explanations .


  2. Hello, Love and peace be with you. Amen. I know that you addressed this subject, and covered it well, but please view the following link: http://www.ahewar.org/debat/show.art.asp?aid=199807 It caused me to wonder about the mentality of the author! It nauseated me so I need your input. Thank you for the initiative. God bless your hearts.


  3. Hi Dear Brothers Wahid and Samy, Another great episode. May the Lord bless you and your labor of love in His Holy Name. Keep up the good work. Faith Hope Love


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