207 - حفريات مزورة لتطور مزعوم | DR340207

الأخ وحيد - الأخت فدوى - د. غالي - الدليل


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مشاهدات 11158

تعليقات 1

نكشف في هذه الحلقة عن حفريات خدع بها العلماء الناس لسنوات طويلة على أساس أنها حفريات تطورية للإنسان؛ وإذ بهم يعترفون بالحقيقة المُرة بأنها حفريات مزورة.

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1 تعليق

 شارك بتعليق 
  1. 1st was there 1 ape who turned into human he did not have relatives or siblings and what about them they remained apes or what ...according what they say if the apes theire existed for million years ago that means they would of became trillions and the earth would became all apes. and if life came by single tissue why it doesnt repeat itself and according what i see in the zoo apes remained apes ..what does that mean they missed the party?


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