الدكتور ماجد رياض في إستجواب عن تشكيلات أقباط المهجر! | DA110029

سيد علي - هناء سمري - الدكتور ماجد رياض - برنامج 48 ساعة - قناة المحور - حقوق الإنسان وحرية العقيدة

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    تحميل الملف - عرض

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  1. Why sir you remember only the protest & forgot what the government doing .Why the mouslem attack any body pray in his home.Are they pray or pland to attake their country ?please give answer.What you think when they heared about for four pepole killed in hteir store because they need money to defend Gaza. give their relative first their rights after this you have the right to ask them why you looking todo this or this.THIS is the logic.


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