نصر حامد أبو زيد حول ما حدث من منعه دخول الكويت وتكفيره: للأسف دين البدو إكتسح دين الحضارة | DA070197

محمود سعد - نصر حامد أبو زيد - البيت بيتك - الفضائية المصرية - الوجه الحقيقي للإسلام

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    تحميل الملف - عرض

1 تعليق

 شارك بتعليق 
  1. Mr. Abu Zeid is one of the several smart Muslims suffering the horror of wahabia extended in Egypt to all the poor fallaheen .. with the stupid Sadat all the wild face of a bad small Islam returned as the real and only Islam supported by the petrodollars of Saudi Arabia.. ignorant cheap fallaheen 90 per cent of Muslims in Egypt without knowing past or present history (specially the horrible talibans ) became hard fanatic criminals under an Islamic curttian ( with 50 dollars a month each) to steal and kill in name of Allah .. now a good man like Abu Zeid and like doctor said Al Qemny and many smart Egyptians are to be killed .. the great and civil Egypt is returning to be simply the land of the wild criminals with no work , under an ideological deformed face of the religion as applied in the garbage countries as Somalia, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and many others.


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