هل الجن يدخل جسم الإنسان؟ - الحلقة الأخيرة | DA010188

محمود سعد - د. أحمد شوقي العقباوي - د. سعد الهلالي - برنامج مصر النهاردة - الفضائية المصرية - فضائح إسلامية

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    تحميل الملف - عرض - iPod تحميل الملف

2 تعليق

 شارك بتعليق 
  1. Christians are laughing when Muzlims say that there are "Muzlim Jinn and Nussrany Jinn"? Are Muzlims living on this planet or in a fictional place? The notion of different religions with down-falling mechanism is a fiction. The superstitious concept of multi-religious Jinn is a myth was created by culprit Mahomet the pervert pedophile. The reason is that Mahomet was possessed by the devil and suffered satanic trances and elliptic. All talk about Jinn was only in Mahomet’s hallucinations and superstations.


  2. To Christianity, There is no difference between Jinn or devil or Satan. All are one at different names. Muhammad was enchanted by the devil (by the Jewish man) and tried to commit suicide three times. Muhammad himself was elliptic and possessed by the devil in many trances and compulsions (losing his consciousness). Why Muslims are not telling the public about the case of Muhammad himself with Satan. Muhammad's encounter with Satan calling him al Jinn!


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