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لقاء مع المفكر الإسلامي محمد شحرور | DA070228
برنامج روافد - قناة العربية - الوجه الحقيقي للإسلام
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15 تعليق
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.الرجاء كتابة تعليقك هنا ببشكل واضح وسليم، تعليقك سوف ينشر مباشرة
أي تعلقات يوجد بها سب وقذف سوف تحذف فوراً
المزيد في الدليل والبرهان
2010-05-05 18:08:35
Dr. Sha7rour, what are your opinions about the rest of Quran chapters? Why not Quran was created and a man-made by Mahomet, his companions and successors?
2010-05-03 18:55:26
To, Dr. Sha7rour, Sourat Al Tawba of Quran is not an Islamic legislature, but rather a bunch of stories of the liar Mohamed. It seems to me that "Asbab alNuzul' are the fake stories of the false Mohamed. Consequently, it proves that the phony predator and pervert pedophile Mohamed was the biggest imposter, bully and charlatan of a big Mecca gang.
wisdom: Bravo Dr. Sha7rour
2010-05-01 22:08:22
Dr. Sha7rour was successful in raising the right opinions in few aspects: -1- The separation between the mosque and state. -2- Discrediting Mohammad’s sayings and hallucinations of superstitions and myths as historical context. -3- Sexual slavery is a part of Islam Mohammad where praying in nudity and practicing rituals in naked totality. The claimed veil was a tribal uniform of Quraysh. -4- The hallucination of imitating the private life of Mohammad as a model is a big blunder. Muhammad did not use the western devices of the microphone, electric lamp, radio, satellite television, trousers, glasses, automobile, pair of shoes, chairs, forks and spoons, clock watch, fountain pen, cell phone, computer, etc. Therefore every Sunny Muslim should keep himself out from Western infidels and immigrate to Mecca hills. -5- The absence of Jihad martyrdom and the witness to goodness as well In Islam, but terrorism as a mean martyrdom for the butcher Idol Allah. -6- Muslims’ imitation and following Mohammad blindly as in his saying led them to be existent concrete animals without any action for any mental and intellectual progress in life. Muslims have become as static life of animals to eat and live for the sake of living, not for changing and creativity to build any humanistic civilization. Muslims are consumers in terms of Koranic permitted-or-illegal not as science-oriented producers. That means Muslims are going to be extinct, out of survival. Quran has created static animals without minds and intellect.
wisdom: A Summary of the man thinking
2010-05-01 18:07:08
Dr. Sha7rour asserts the existence of the unholy trinity of Idols in Islam Mafia. The three profane Idols are the pervert-pedophile Mahomet, the fictional Gibreel and the Moon Idol Allah of Quraysh. Look at the eyes of Dr. Sha7rour; he has avoided criticizing the pagan Idol monster-thug and chief thief Mahomet of Mecca. Sha7rour has stopped at the bloodthirsty red line fearing the assassination by the sharp-naked sword of Mahomet which is dripping the cold bloodshed. Sha7rour has feared for his safety and well being. Sha7rour has excluded Mahomet, the rapist predator, the pervert womanizer and war monger of terrorism from his argumentation. Why has Sha7rour left the criminal Mahomet alone and free of crimes against humanity?
wisdom: No Talk About The Pagan Idol of Pervert-Pedophile Mahomet
2010-04-28 20:06:51
Dracula Mahomet lives ecliptic seizures, enchanted by black magic and died poisoned and beheaded by Omar Ibn Alkhattab. His ecliptic had made his hallucinations in the making. He claimed that the Gibreel-revelation from an upper and outside power. He called that power the chief deity of fertility in Moon-Crescent Mecca (Allah Akbar, pagan Idol). Such scam of demon-possessed Mahomet handling the satanic verses in a strange manner: Mahomet rings the bell to Gibreel who comes down or up and asks “what is the problem”. Mahomet answers and Gibreel listens and fly over to Allah for an answer. Then Gibreel comes back with the answer (here it is). This is the chattel trips over and over (on demand) of revealing answers to Mahomet’s private sexual affairs and scandals and war mongering crisis. ................................................... Dear Dr. Sha7rour, the best solutions to reform the Arabic mind’s disaster and ordeal of the Middle East mind are: -1- Expose, denounce and reject the evil character of pedophile Mahomet, the chief thief and thug of Mecca. -2- Burn down the present Quran and ban it in Syria completely. -3- Outlaw Islamic barbaric laws and fight Islam fascism.
wisdom Wake Up dr. Sha7rour
2010-04-28 19:59:49
Questions to Dr. Sha7rour: Why only chapter nine (AlTawba, Repentance) is only just stories and not a revelation in Koran? Who had seen Mahomet when Gibreel was communicating with him? Are there any witnesses to support the monster Mahomet’s false claim? Was Gibreel on Earth ground or flying hovering around Mahomet to connect with him? Which language was the means of communication? How did Gibreel speak shouting or wavering? How did Gibreel look like? Was Gibreel’s imaging black or orange? What was Gibreel height and weight? Does Gibreel have eyes, nose, hair, ears, mouth, neck, legs, arms, or he or she is fictional. Why Da7ya AlKalby was Gibreel according to Mrs. Aisha, the child. Was Ebn Nawfoul, Bu7eera and others Gibreel at different encounters? Was Gibreel a male or female? Was Gibreel a Jew or Nasserite? Where is the hidden truth of such big lie? Why did Mahomet lie and hide the truth? Thanks much.
wisdom; Questions to dr. Shahrour
2010-04-27 22:49:59
Dr. Sha7rour needs a Viagra pill (Kouffeet) and a cup of camel urine (camel pee) to refresh him and help him understanding the inconsistencies and contradictions of Quran superstitions and stolen myths. Monster Mahomet used his oral information and narratives to formulate the Muzlim Mafia gangs in Mecca. It is a dilemma to understand the illiterate Mahomet’s intentions. Mahomet, the evil aggressive-ruthless character put a very dangerous concept of the “infidel”. Such concept is used to feed feuds between tribes, fuel hatred and raids against tribes and agitates offensive invasions and massacres against others. To Predator Mahomet, it is ordained that Death to the Ten-Commandment morality. Thou Shall Kill Steal, Lie, Steal, Rape, Slaughter, Slay, etc. for the sake of satanic Allah Idol. This is the ordeal tragedy of mind in Islam. Any Muzlim mind is paralyzed under the siege of doom and death.
wisdom: Dr Sha7rour Change your researching
2010-04-27 21:38:06
To Quran Mahomet, Muzlim woman is a filthy “piece of junk” (3awrraa). Sexist Islam is degrading women (Muzilm mothers, sisters and daughters).Muzlim woman is just a “Vagina for Sexual Sale” for Muzlim men. Mahomet’s prayer was to the notch of the topless Aisha’s vagina (Bottomless Aisha).Mahomet prayed and prostrated before the bottomless Aisha, her vagina (pudendum hole). It is right that Muzlim women are bunch of animals for possession (sex objects under oppression). Islam surrender is prototype of paganism and barbarism. Islam mentality is the power of totalitarian community under authoritative tyrant (successor or the guardian above all people). Islam’s dimensions are pervert open-sex (polygamy for males) and bloodshed to terrorize, prevail, dominate and propagate the tyrant status quo with eliminating the role of individualism and democracy. There is no respect to private life and the humanistic individual. A father may kill his son if he denounce and denies Islam as a system. A brother may murder his mother if she stops giving the allegiance and obedience to Mahomet. Dr. Sha7rour, reread the prototypes of the Mafia of Islam gangs. Redefine your definitions.
2010-04-27 20:07:28
امتحان خديجة برهان الوحي لخديجة يا خديجة هذا جبريل قد جاءني ، قالت قم يا ابن عم فاجلس على فخذي اليسرى ; قال فقام فجلس عليها ، قالت هل تراه ؟ قال نعم قالت فتحول فاجلس على فخذي اليمنى ; قالت فتحول فجلس على فخذها اليمنى ، فقالت هل تراه ؟ قال نعم . قالت فتحول فاجلس في حجري ، قالت فتحول فجلس في حجرها . قالت هل تراه ؟ قال نعم قال فتحسرت وألقت خمارها ومحمد الشاذ المخبول جالس في حجرها ، ثم قالت له هل تراه ؟ قال لا ، قالت يا ابن عم اثبت وأبشر فوالله إنه لملك وما هذا بشيطان
2010-04-27 18:58:49
فعلا" لا ينفع القرآن والحديث لكل زمان ومكان ولكل الشعوب!! وأتعجب على مفكّر متمكّن مقتدر فكريا" كالدكتور محمد شحرور وما زال يقول (رسولنا الأعظم)؟! سؤالي الدائم هو أين البساطة في الايمان بالله وما هو حال المسلم البسيط الذي يريد أن يتعبّد لالهه حسب معرفته الفكرية البسيطة؟؟ فليس كل الناس مثقفين مثل الدكتور شحرور !!!! وبالنسبة للوح المحفوظ .. فلم نكن نسمع به قبل عقد من السنين ؟ وماذا سنأخذ من غزوات الرسول من عبر ؟ حتى وإن كانت من القصص المحمّدية ؟
2010-04-27 04:46:33
I totally agree with you my friend wisdom. while I watching the interview I was banging my head against the wall. In their heart of hearts the know full well Islam is dead, they want to re-explain the those Satanic verses in a last valiant effort to keep Islam breathing. The Hadith is dead but they still believe that mahomet was a prophet, they have brain washed for many centuries they just cannot accept the new facts about Islam. Many of them are in hallucination mode now including those who call them selves Quran-neen. My friend we are witnessing history made now the finally the death of Islam. This guy's explanations are a joke but as father Zakaria always says we have the original books so they burn their books if they want we still know the truth, and the truth shall set you free
Samee Picard
2010-04-27 00:55:07
------It seems to me that Dr. Mahomet Sha7rour has become illusion by Quran Mahomet. Quran causes illusion, delusion and separation or alienation between life and reality. I advise him to drop Quran totally out of his thinking to see the beauty of real life given by God, the Almighty, not Madame Allah Idol of Quraysh, the wife of Mr. "Hubbal" the Sun Idol. Allah is the mother of three “Banat Allahu”. Dr. Sha7rour, don’t waste the rest of your life with Quran lost roads and holes of the fabricated Quran by Mahomet, his companions and successors. Save yourself Dr. Shahrour. Look at Jesus Christ to save and protect you from losing the rest of your mind!
wisdom: Dr. Sha7rour Help Yourself
2010-04-27 00:20:30
الله يعدمك هيك مفكر اسلامي ولا امسكر اسلامي ؟. اعتقد الثانيه اقرب له فهو مسكر عقليا مغلقمن فوق ومن تحت. انا سمعته مرتين ما قدرت افهم من حديثه اشي
ابو الوفاء
2010-04-27 00:19:49
Hallucinations of dropping down and dictating Quran are the root problems of the Muzlim mentality. AlTanzeel has created an idol of "Tanzeel" to agitate terrorist, closed mindedness and racist-sexist violence. Muzlims think that "Tanzeel" in human history is only during the founder of Islam for only 23 strange years. Muzlims are rounded up and poisoned without any trace of liberty or creativity. Muzlim mind is solid and stopped forever. Muslims are not enlightened because of the notion Tanzeel Quran and the concept of genuine authenticity “Tanzeel” (dropping or sending down) of Mahomet's sayings any sayings, any fabricated story or myth!
2010-04-26 23:33:18
The notion of "Tanzeel" al Quran is the root of all the backwardness problems of Muzlim ideas and life. Altanzeel is an epidemic disease. Quran is created not dropped down. Muzlims are victim prisoners in the iron-cage of "Tanzeel" al Quran. No Tanzeel, Quran has Asbaab Tanzeel, that means the creation of Koran. May be Muzlims open their eyes to the Lord God Jesus Christ to open their eyes to liberty and freedom from Mahomet Quran. Muzlims liberate yourselves; don't be victims to Quran!