أبو إسلام والإحتفال بأعياد النصارى | DA070232

الشيخ أبو إسلام - دكتور أحمد السايح - قناة الفراعين - الوجه الحقيقي للإسلام

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    تحميل الملف - عرض - iPod تحميل الملف

4 تعليق

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  1. Abu Islam reminds me with the pervert-pedophile Mohamed, the liar and caravan looter. When I watch this sick man; I remember Mohamed who was defaming, mocking and insulting anyone rejects him. Abu Islam reminds me of Muhammad’s flaws, crimes and scandals. Abu Islam, the idiot dummy, reminds me of Mohamed’s impoliteness and despicable behaviors. This idiot man is an ignorant illiterate with has no knowledge about Christianity and Mohamed’s fascist ideologies. Such predator Abu Ezlam must be punished legally at the courts for defaming the occupied Coptic Republic of Egypt and the descendants.


  2. The four techniques and approaches of imposing, spreading and propagating the barbarism of Muslim Mafia above all: First, Surrender unconditionally to be your soul subdued and your property subjugated to the will of monster pervert-pedophile Mohammad. Surrender unconditionally and join the club of fascist militaristic-Islam to guarantee your safety and security (like the calls to president Obama and the Queen of UK with disgusting contempt). Remember that if you try to repeal and denounce Islam platform or Quran agenda (apostate is forbidden), you will be assassinated and beheaded in the maximum ultimatum of three days, to protect Islam from collapse. Second, or, accept the surrender conditions to pay the permanent penalty-bribe (Jizzya) to the Muslim Mafia thugs, to keep your existence alive in humiliation. Third or you will be murdered like a hen and out of life stage for the sake of the Bedouin domination, savage fascism, clannish tribalism and totalitarian demagoguery. Remember the sword agenda is ready with a bunch of callous punitive-codes of brutal butchery to terrorize anyone who even thinks hurting the Muslim Mafia: chopping off necks, severing the heads, amputating limps and fingers, cutting off heads, arms, legs, fingers, and tongues. Don’t forget eye grouching, torture, assassinations, and corpse maiming in large looting raids and burning invasions. Islam subdue with iron-fist bloodshed of the cold-blooded suckers in gruesome crimes against humanity and mankind’s civilization. Forth and, the pervert practice of polygamy intercourse, sexual rapes and assaults and pedophilia against any Muslim woman or Non-Muslim woman. Pervert sex with unlimited number of women to propagate Islam’s fascist ideology against human liberty, dignity and honor. Finally, Abu Islam, there is no such thing called “gospel ling” in Islam. Such term is pure Greek Christian one, driven from the “Gospel” of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.

    wisdom: Islam is not a Gospel

  3. صدقونى احبائى الكرام هذه محاولات يائسة من ابو اظلام لتجميل اظلامه بعد ما انكشفن وبان والغباء على من اتبع الغبى وان الغباء عند الشيطان هو الاجرام او الاظلام او قل ما تشاء لانه ثبت ان من صنع الشيطان


  4. أبو إسلام هو عباره عن حشره من حشرات المسلمين الضاره في مصر ويجب أبادة هذه الحشره الوسخه قمة الوساخه والقذاره.


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