د. أحمد الطيب: الإسلام دعا إلى الإنفتاح والتعايش مع الأخوة المسيحيين! | DA070238

أحمد عتابي - دكتور أحمد الطيب - برنامج فقه الحياة - قناة النيل - الوجه الحقيقي للإسلام

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  1. هذة الاقوال كذب في كذب في كذب الاسلام كرم المراة علي العكس حقر المراة الاسلام دين السلام علي العكس دين الارهاب والقتل الاسلام هو الحل علي العكس يعقد كل الامور لان الاسلام لة ٣ اراء متضاربة الاسلام يحترم الاقليات علي العكس يحتقر الاقليات ويظلمها بالتهديد المتكرر الاسلام دعي الي الرحمة والمودة علي العكس لان رسول الاسلام قال نصرت بالسيف الاسلام هو الدين الخاتم علي العكس لا تنطبق علية مواصفات الدين الاسلام يؤمن باليهودية والمسيحية علي العكس لا يؤمنون بان المسيح هو اللة الاسلام يؤمن بالمسيح علي العكس والنقيض تماما الاسلام يخاف ويرتعب من اسم المسيح بدليل اختيار اسم بديل هو عيسي بن مريم الذي لا يمت بقريب او بعيد الي مخلصنا وراعي نفوسنا الصالح رب المجد الذي تحنو لة كل ركبه غير المفحوص غير الزمني غير المستحيل، منقذ حياتنا من الفساد، الذي سياتي في مجده ليحاسب الاشرار ويفصل بني النور عن بني الظلمة والقتل والارهاب


  2. الإسلام الأسود دمر بلاد أحفاد الفراعنه العظماء الأقباط الشرفاء أقباط مصر العباقره لأقدم حضاره في التاريخ البشري (حضارة القلم والبردي واللغة والنحت والفن والطب والفلك والتحنيط والمعمار والهندسه بناة الأهرام الشاهقه والمسلات الشامخه وأبو الهول) محاولا طمس هويتنا الفرعونيه وإبادتها بعدما ’حرق و’دمر تراثنا القبطي الحضاري ومكتبه الاسكندريه العريقه ذات التسعه قرون من العمر الحضاري السامي في جميع العلوم بلغات عديده (حرقوها الغوعاء الدهماء وغرقوا الكتب المراجع في البحر) وكذلك قطعوا ألسنه أجدادنا لو نطقوا اللغه القبطيه لفرض اللغه العربيه لغه المحتل الغاشم وحرقوا مكتبة هليوبوليس وهدموا وسرقوا كنائسنا وأديرتنا ومنازلنا وأراضينا واغتصبوا ثروات الشعب القبطي كله عن بكره أبيه وأتوا وحرقوا الأخضر واليابس لبناء المساجد – يا خساره يا وطني يا مصر القبطيه المغتصبه المحتله – أمة قبائل لا تقرأ العربيه (بدون قرآن) والبعيرالتي أذكي وأفهم منهم قتلوا أجدادي الشرفاء إضطهادا وسفكوا دماءهم الطاهره وإغتصبوا جداتي المحصنات العفيفات و إستولوا علي كنائسنا وحولوها إلي جوامع الإسلام وغيروا أسماء القري والشوارع وبنوا جوامع علي أعمدة معابد جدودي العمالقه كما في معبد الأقصر طيبه وزوروا تاريخك يا كيمي الحبيبه يا مصر - سنحررك يا مصر القبطيه من براثن ومخالب الإستعمار الإسلامي الإستيطاني الغاشم البغيض من مافيا الإسلام المتوحش الدموي والخراب البربري و الاحتلال البدوي - يا أقباط مصر الأحرار فرض عليكم أوغاد المستعمر العربي المتخلف دفع المحمل من القباطي القطنيه لستائر الكعبه الوثنيه الي مكه سنويا ودفع جزية العار والمهانه والذله وأنتم صاغرون حتي عام 1855 للسلب والنهب (وكنزوا ذهب بلدي مصروهربوه الي مكه الطاغيه) ودفعوك الجزيه جزية العقاب يا مصر للخلافه العثمانيه في تركيا حتي عام 1964 لمدة خمسمائة سنه - سرقوك لصوص وحرامية القرآن يا مصر الحبيبه بإسم الإسلام القبلي وهو الحاكميه الفاشستيه حتي آثارك الثمينه لمدة الف وثلاثمائة عاما أسودا ونيف - يا مصر القبطيه المحتله لا تبكي علي الأطلال - جدي الأكبر فرعون العظيم والأعظم في الحضاره الأنسانيه لم يمسك سيفا ليقتل كل من لا يؤمن به أو لم ’يقدم له الولاء والبراء والطاعه وتاريخه العريق محفور في الحجاره المصريه يألوانه الزاهيه آلاف السنين - فنير وطغيان القرآن الإرهابي ومافيا مكة الإسلام والإجرام الذي هجم علينا وإلينا بثقافة بول البعير العفنه ودواء جناح الذباب الملوث والتخلف القرشي الأمي المقمل والخراء والإستخراء والصلاة في العراء والأكل بطريقة المص واللحس والإغتصاب و الإستنكاح فإلي هوة الجحيم أيها الإستسلام - العرب يضربون بعضهم بعضا بالنعال في المساجد وعلي أعناق بعضهم البعض يدقون. واليوم دنسوا إسمك الشريف العظيم يا مصر العريقه ولطخوك يكلمة {العربيه} أنا قبطي ولست عربيا - وفي النهايه نور الحريه والحضاره قادم لا محاله وعاجلا ليس آجلا يا جمهوريه مصر القبطيه الحره لأن ظلام الإسلام الظالم إلي الزوال وإلي أسافل قاع مزبله التاريخ لقابع حتي لا تهدم حضارة العصر الحديث في بلاد الغرب المتقدمه وحتي لا ’تبتلي البشرية جمعاء بعدوي فيروس داء الإسلام الأخطبوط السرطاني.

    wisdom: Sheikh Alazhar Tell the Truth and Appologize about the Occupied Coptic Nation under Islam Invasion and Imperialism

  3. 13- Christians love Jews. We don’t buy the evil concept of Islam to hate Jews and consider them as the worst conspirators. Jews and Romans did not crucify Jesus, but we all of us, the sinners, killed Jesus Christ. So, Jews are not guilty of killing Jesus Christ. Jesus must be killed to save us and redeem us by His precious blood of reconciliation with god and forgiveness for all our sins and trespasses. “The Muzlim “Essa” is a fictional figure named by the imposter Mahomet to his idiot audiences. 14- Quran has no connection with the Holy Bible, not the same source and root. Islam is not an extension to Nasserite or Christianity at all. This is a big Lie to attach Quran to the Holy Bible! Muzlims love to lie like Muhammad’s persistent lies, Quranis a record of lies and the hoax of Tanzeel by Jibril and Allah. Quran has contradicted and abrogated the Moses’ Ten-Commandments totally. 15- Allah is not God. Allah is an idol of fertility (crescent- “Hilal”), wife and mother. Quran is a fascist man-made memorandum memoir of Mahomet sex life and war mongering. Mahomet was a pervert pedophile. Maohomet was an impostor, a charlatan, caravan looter, brutal butcher, fascist terrorist, thief thug, monster, predator, Islam is an enemy to all non-Muzlims, through its scourges and curses, Muslims are insulting every body, imitating Muhammad’s disgusting crimes, Allah and Koran. There is no coexistence with Quran, the charter of terrorism! Deception, deceit and lying are the tactics of the militaristic Islam to subdue the civilized people and to subjugate or confiscate their properties and occupy their lands. If Islam dies, peace lives.

    wisdom: Reading the Sheikh's Mind 5

  4. 10- Why did Muzlims invad Yathreb and they call such invasion and attack as “immigration”. That is the why Muslims rename places, times and people (“Tazwee” every aspect of life history); wiping out non-Muzlim identities. Why did Arabs invade Egypt, Syria and North Africa in the 7th century? Those lands must be liberated. 11- When a Muzlim marries a Christian woman while the Christian Man cannot marry a Muzlim woman, this is a gross crime against Christian honor and dignity. A Muslim man may marry a Christian woman, is not an honor. It is a crime of kidnapping and abducting. Such crime is against human rights and human dignity. Such aggression is a ferocious rape and vicious nomad-barbarism. Why a Christian man cannot marry a Muslim woman? Where is justice and equality? The reason, Islam Quran is a nasty racist and sexist text against humanity. Quran is the profane text of enslavement, slavery, rape and deception, not tolerance at all. 12- Hatred is the major characteristic of any Muzlim who believes in Quran. The more he is deceived by Quran, the more he is the enemy of human life and rights. The more you read such racist recitation, the more you are screwed up by filth and contempt.

    wisdom: Reading The Sheikh's Mind 4

  5. 7- Sheikh Al Tayeeb said “the Holy Bible, which is in their hands now”, implies the silly accusations against the Holy Bible; to try legitimizing Mahomet’s false call. Such accusation is a crime against Christians. Koran has been for 400 to 700 years without dotting, “Tashkeel”, aleph and ya2. Asbaab al Nuzul, are the authorization of recitations by Mahomet and his gangsters, 8- He mentioned that Koran has multi faces of interpretations or ambiguous understandings and perplexing meanings. That proves that Koran is the hallucinations and fabrications of Mahomet to achieve his own private-personal objectives of money, power and sex. 9-He expresses his complex of inferiority when he mentioned that the good Christians are closer to the optimum of Muzlims. He accuses Jews as the worst beings ever, on our planet. Hatred and self gratifications are Muzlim symptoms and projections of their complex of inferiorities and illness. Our Sheikh, you need an intense psychological treatment.

    wisdom: Reading The Sheikh's Mind 3

  6. 7- Sheikh Al Tayeeb said “the Holy Bible, which is in their hands now”, implies the silly accusations against the Holy Bible; to try legitimizing Mahomet’s false call. Such accusation is a crime against Christians. Koran has been for 400 to 700 years without dotting, “Tashkeel”, aleph and ya2. Asbaab al Nuzul, are the authorization of recitations by Mahomet and his gangsters, 8- He mentioned that Koran has multi faces of interpretations or ambiguous understandings and perplexing meanings. That proves that Koran is the hallucinations and fabrications of Mahomet to achieve his own private-personal objectives of money, power and sex. 9-He expresses his complex of inferiority when he mentioned that the good Christians are closer to the optimum opium of Muzlims. He accuses Jews as the worst beings ever, on our planet. Hatred and self gratifications are Muzlim symptoms and projections of their complex of inferiorities and illness. Our Sheikh, you need an intense psychological treatment.

    wisdom; Reading The Sheikh's Mind 3

  7. 4- There is no such thing is called “Zionist Christianity”, Jewish Christianity” or Christian Judaism”, those terms are in the fictional imaginations of every Muzlim suffered an “infidel syndrome” and the “conspiracy theory” stigma. Christianity is Christianity of Jesus Christ Gospel. 5- The hypocrisy of applying the “conspiracy theory” against non-Muzlims and Western Christianity, not Eastern Christianity! The bloody history of Islam proves that. Read history when Muzlims occupied Jerusalem, the Capital of Israel, killed Western Christians who were pilgrimage and the church of resurrection was burned out and was called “the church of trash” by Muzlims. For those reasons, the Western crusaders came to protect themselves from Islam terrorism (10 campaigns), as today. 6- Our Sheikh has committed the same sin of racism against Jews and Western Christians, like any other Muzlim follows the man-made verbal recitations of Koran.

    wisdom: Reading The Mind Of Our Sheikh 2

  8. Our Sheikh seems that he suffers, as every Muzlim, from four Koran-oriented epidemic infections: Infidel disorder, conspiracy theory and racist-bigotry pretexts and propagating fallacies and hatred complex of inferiority. 1- Some Muzlim scholars are tolerant with passion In Quran text interpretations) to non-Muzlims because they were Spanish or Persian or Armenian or Greek, not Arabs. 2- We are not Nassara. 3- Muzlims invaded Spain, North Africa, Egypt, Syria and no one of those nations was a threat to Arabia or invaded Arabia. Therefore, Arabs invaded foreign lands to plunder rape and occupy (rob, rape and kill). Islam is a political fascist-ideology of a militaristic unconditional-surrender. It is not a self defense; it is a terrorist aggression and imperialist occupation to safe nations. Islam is wiping human vales, virtue ethics and human civilizations: burning down public libraries, cutting of heads and chopping off necks and tongues (savage fascism).

    wisdom: Reading Out the Mind of Our Sheikh 1

  9. Pagan Idol “Allah” is not God or Biblical God. “Nassara” are not “Christians”. Mahomet is not a genuine being. Mahomet was the fabricator of sunder Islam as a political organization. “Eessa” is not “Jesus”. “Miriam bent 3amran” is not “Miriam bent Youaquiem”. Miriam, sister of Haron and Moses, is not Mariam, the mother of Jesus. Islam is not a “deen” or religion, but a fascist mafia. Christianity is a life and belief which is a Christ-centric faith, Christianity is not the Islamic term “deen”.

    wisdom; Clarifications and Corrections4g7z

  10. Our Sheikh Watch out That “Christians” is not “Nasserites” or “Nassara” in Arabic. “Nassara” were heretics in early Christianity, who denied the divinity of Jesus Christ and some of them disapproved the crucifixion on the basis that Jesus has risen Himself from the dead by the power of His own divinity. Some of those “Nassara” were Ebonite, Mariamites, Arians and Nastorians in the first centuries of Christianity. The church has rejected and refused such false beliefs and blasphemous heresies. Therefore, Christians are not Nasserites and Nasserites have no existence today. I know that will make Muzlims more confused besides the confusions of koran.

    wisdom: "Nassara" Are Not "Christians"

  11. تحياتي الى الدكتور احمد الطيب. انا اتابع درسات الشيخ ؤكلامه عقلاني ومركز. لاكن مشكلته ؤالذي الاحضه هو لا يؤمن بالاسلام ؟. ولاكن هذا ما يستطيع من بيان الغاز من من ايمانه. اذا الدكتور صرح بكلمه اكثر من هذا ستنهال علىه السيوف الاسلاميه التكفيريه. كلامه له معاني توجب التوقف عندها لأن مركزه ووضيفته لا تسمح في البعد . هو اصلا متهم في العقلانيه اي استعمال العقل والمنطق. وعند اعجاب في سيرة السيد المسيح . فهو ذكي وحذر جدا. انا احترم هذا الرجل. ؤلاكني اخاف عليه من.....؟

    ابو الوفاء

  12. Our Sheikh Watch out Mahomet is not a brother of Moses. How come our Sheikh tries to equalize between the wise Moses and the Illiterate Mahomet as brothers? We cannot equalize at all between the peaceful prophet Moses and the caravan-looter, thief-thug and brutal butcher Mahomet. There is no any aspect of similarities between Moses and Mahomet. Mahomet came to abrogate, cancel out and outlaw the divine Ten Commandments given to Israel.

    wisdom: Our Sheikh Watch out Mahomet is not the brother of Prophet Moses.

  13. قُلْ هُوَ اللَّه أَحَد اللَّه الصَّنمَ .. قُلْ هُوَ اللَّه أَحَد اللَّه الصَّنمَ .. قُلْ هُوَ اللَّه أَحَد اللَّه الصَّنمَ

    wisdom: Nobody Can Believe or Buy

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