شاهد واقرأ المزيد
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- 27.05.09 Never Without My Daughter - مستحيل من غير إبنتي 15192 مشاهدات
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- 01.01.12 Jesus was not a Christian and if He was alive today He would be following the Muslims and Islam 12421 مشاهدات
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- 26.02.10 Christianity as the Pathway to Refinement for a Muslim 11530 مشاهدات
Christian Convert Flees Murder from Muslim Parents | En020007
islameyat.com - The True Face of Islam
مشاهدات 14169
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Rifqa Bary says her enraged family, threatened to kill me. While in foster care, the young Christian runaway awaits the decision of Florida authorities who are deciding whether she will be forced to return to her Muslim parents whom she says will kill her for converting to Christianity.
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