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Finally here is a pastor who have the guts to tell the truth without being afraid ... Dr. Jeffress Responds to Dallas News Columnist | En020047
Dr. Jeffress - The True Face of Islam
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2016-11-28 05:45:07
Dr. Jeffress, wondering who or what, are you worshiping by denying the puberty age of children of Adam (pbuh).
2010-11-20 08:56:15
It is called conjecture, Christians have conjecture of the Greeks and the Romans, Islam does not incite violence,Islam is just religion and the first story according to my knowledge of a suicide martyr is Samson and delilah. Samson killed 1000 men with Jawbone of an Ass then blind but able to to kill a further three thousand men, The age is irrelevant as you projection your own perversion onto religion. you taking manmade laws over GODs law, How old was Mary or any of the Wives in the Bible, in biblical times WOMEN were married as soon as they became women. TRIBAL CUSTOMS DATING BACK TO BIBLICAL TIMES is a problem all over the world, like the superiority complex of Westerners.>
2010-11-12 18:49:20
Every Christian “David”, knock down Koran, expose pedophile Mahomet and refute Islam and their deceptions, lies and fallacies. The Islamic Goliath wants to dominate the Christian David! The Islamic giant wants to conquer David, the Christian. Islamic invasion will never happen because Islam will never be able to defend its fragile foundations and satanic tenets. Islam is a false doctrine founded on a false book written by a false fanatic (Mahomet). Islam is a fascist ideology based on a terrorist document written by the monstrous gangster Mahomet. Islam must go to the dustbin of history. Islam will be wiped out, like any other fascism. Koran will be banned like Hitler’s book: “my struggle” or “mein Kompf. Islam will be illegal globally in the Western world first and the rest of the world will follow suit. Freedom, liberty and human dignity must prevail over the satanic cult of Islam. What we need right now only one thing on a mass media: exposing Islam scourges, Islam’s bloody history and crimes against humanity and the deceptions in Koran and fraud in Mahomet’s biography. Exposing Islam should be globally at all levels. Wiping Islam out is near.
wisdom: Thanks Dr. Jeffress for Exposing Islam Mafia
2010-11-09 21:34:32
We cannot legalize “Koran” drug: opium or heroine If Koran is legalized in the West, Koran will kill liberty, dismantle the freedom of expression and eliminate the freedom of speech. Koran will wipe out the freedom of belief and assembly altogether. Islam is a mafia-like gang of fascism may hinder the application of natural, human and civil rights and democracy. If Koran is alive, freedom and equality are dead. Western civilization must save itself by banning Koran and criminalizing the use of such terrorist-fascist book of Koran. We cannot legalize Koran drug at any name.
wisdom: We cannot legalize “Koran” drug: opium or heroine
2010-11-08 10:38:42
God Bless pastor Jeffress a brave man , like pastor Terry Jones America and Europe wake up
2010-11-06 19:12:45
Koran (98:6, 2:65, 5:59, 9:5, 9:14, and 9:29) is a pretext to burn down Koran and ban it in the West. “Islam” surrender is a false religion, based on a false book (“Koran”) written by a false pervert-prophet (Mahomet). The Bedouin gang of Islam is a false doctrine based on a profane book of porno and inferno written by the pedophile Mahomet. Islam is a fascist militaristic-doctrine based on a terrorist platform written by the thief and thug Mahomet, the war monger. Islam is the total subjugation by compulsion based on the satanic document of Koran written by the ferocious-wicked Mahomet. Islam is from the Devil to spread evil, abomination and fornication vices. Islam is antichrist, anti Semite and anti human dignity. Islam means the death of freedom, the death of liberty and the death of human dignity. Under Islam equality is forbidden, women are oppressed and lies and deception are widespread. Tyranny, totalitarianism and despotism are the major tenets of scourges of “Islam”. Koran insults and degrades the people of the Holy Bible as “the worst evil people or evil creatures ever”, (Koran: 98:6, 5:59) and as pigs and apes or monkeys (2:65). Therefore, what can we expect from such retarded book and evil ideology of Islam that incites hate and violence and stirs spite and terror? The mafia-like gang of Islam is the very threat to our Western daily way-of-life. That might return the United States and Europe to the middle ages with tyranny, terror, segregation and zero human-rights. Wake up every free Westerner to ban and outlaw Islam and Koran. Wake up every liberal, progressive or conservative in the West. We call upon all Western politicians to dismantle Islam, criminalize Koran and make Islam illegal in the West. Criminalize the use of Koran; close down mosques, the camps of terrorism and centers of recruiting terrorists. Don’t build new settlements of mosques; Koran is the big whistle blower of dangers against everyone, so deport out Muslims and no praying on the public street-corners, schools, airports, parks and sidewalks.
wisdom: Koran 98:6
2010-11-05 19:21:39
Why the WEST should fight fiercely to stop Islam’s totalitarian doctrines and dismantle Islam by all means (words, works and wars)? If you don’t burn the terrorist Koran today; Koran will burn you inevitably. If you invite a Muslim as a guest; he will take over your own home and expel you. The Muslim will shout carrying Koran and enslave your dignity as a fifth-degree dirty “Infidel” and degrading women! Islam means death to freedom, death to equality and death to human dignity. The “Infidel syndrome” in Koran means that “Jews and Christians” know and profess the validity of Islam but they conceal it, deny it and Muslims should compel non-Muslims to join the Islam mafia! Islam (surrender) is not a “religion” in the simple terms, at all. Islam is not an ethical-moral belief-system, but rather a fascist political-doctrine of tyrant domination and totalitarian subjugation. Koran is the platform for militaristic tyranny and war-like despotism (9:5, 14, 29, 73 and 33:26-27). Islam was established by the monstrous pervert-pedophile Mahomet as a Bedouin mafia-like gang to rob, rape, kill and be killed wherever you find infidels (9:111). Sixty percent of Koran’s disturbing hateful-messages are for the declaration of war against all non-Muslims. Since Crescent “Allah” is not the biblical “God”; the West should ban and outlaw the murderous Koran. Profane Koran is a disgusting document of cursing, hating and a misogynist male-oriented discrimination. Koran’s doctrines and Mahomet’s legacy are bigot affronts to Western civilization, at all levels. The barbaric demagoguery of Islam is totally incompatible with Western values and Judeo-Christian ethics and liberalism of freedom, liberty and human rights with dignity.
wisdom: Why the WEST should fight fiercely to stop Islam’s totalitarian doctrines and dismantle Islam by all means (words, works and wars)?
2010-11-04 20:30:14
Islam means death to freedom, death to equality and death to human dignity. To those professional pathetic-liar Muslims who want to justify Islam’s crimes and scourges against humanity; we say: the Lord Jesus Christ was never ever a terrorist and He did not form an army for bloody invasions and despicable raids to slaughter by the sword. Jesus Christ’s disciples have never ever formulated armies to murder, plunder and loot. The thief and thug Mahomet and his crooked gangsters have waged militaristic wars against all tribes and committed crimes against communities. Mahomet’s mobsters killed each other like cockroaches. The Bible has never ordered Jews to kill, but the human sins and crimes are historical texts and not commands by the true God (Thou Shall Not Kill). The West must ban, dismantle and outlaw Islam because it applies the bigot terrifying-doctrine of the “Islamic Umma” or “Islamic community” which calls for dismantling non-Muslims and scraping Western values and ethics of equality, liberty and dignity. If a Muslim uses a land for living as a guest or a building as a mosque, Koran considers that land as “an Islamic land of the thug Allah” that bans non-Muslims to seize it or reuse it and that requires the Muslim to fight for it by the sword of Islam. Any Muslim should fight, kill and be killed, spelling blood for the sake and victory of the retarded-butcher Allah (terrorism Jihad). Therefore, we call upon the West to redefine Islam in the United Nations as a non-religion and stop the influx of Islam that is polluting our sociopolitical Western way-of-life with security nightmares. Let’s expose Islam’s scourges and wipe it out to save humanity from doom and destruction. To Islam, the non-Muslim should criticize every one or any system other than “Mahomet” or “Islam”, the corrupt ones. Westerners don’t let your sad destiny like the occupied Coptic-Egypt under Islam’s occupation and systematic destruction of its libraries, churches, civilization and identity. Don’t ever let Western civilization an easy target to Islam. Dismantle Islam in deeds and actions to preserve our freedom of expression and speech. The West will prevail in exposing and knocking down Islam once and forever.
wisdom: Islam means death to freedom, death to equality and death to human dignity.