شاهد واقرأ المزيد
- 22.05.09 Copts Under Siege - أقباط مُحاصرون 15780 مشاهدات
- 24.05.09 Geert Wilders Quran movie - The Fitna - فيلم فتنة 16713 مشاهدات
- 27.05.09 Never Without My Daughter - مستحيل من غير إبنتي 15192 مشاهدات
- 20.02.10 Egypt teen asks president Obama to save her family from persecution 12998 مشاهدات
- 24.08.10 Burqa Ruling in Australia ... A woman ordered to remove her burqa in order do give evidence in court 14162 مشاهدات
- 16.09.10 Wafa Sultan, survivor of sharia, fighting against it 14495 مشاهدات
- 01.01.12 Jesus was not a Christian and if He was alive today He would be following the Muslims and Islam 12420 مشاهدات
- 23.01.12 Anti Shariah Conference 28281 مشاهدات
- 02.02.13 01 - Introduction to the Show 13464 مشاهدات
- 06.02.13 02 - Backgrounds of the Quran - Ep1 12072 مشاهدات
Lessons of Hate and Violence in Islam | En020066
Andrew Smith - The True Face of Islam
مشاهدات 14810
تعليقات 2
تحميل ملفات
1 ملف
Video Files
2011-04-19 21:24:18
Would Islamic Sharieha be the graveyard of Western Civilization and our way of life? Perhaps, Islam would be the slaughterhouse of Western Civilization, human secularism, the first amendment of the US constitution (freedoms) and UN ‘human-rights” charter. Islam is the surrender to the old-new fashion of Nazism and subjugation under the mafia-like facsim of tyrannt totalitarianism. Muslims are professional pathetic-liars defnding Islam to spread its global Jihad and terorr, and domninate every one of us (Koran: all chapter 9 and agenda 33:26-27). What is the West going to do? When is the West going to act to wipe out such barbaric threat of Islam to our Western ways of life? The US national-security has been compromised and at risky stakes especially when the White House and State Department have been embracing Muslim advisors (Imams, males and females) from terrorist Saudie-Wahabby, Egyptian criminals of Ekhwan Muzlims and pro Jihadist AlQuaeeda-Taliban sypathizers. What is left for our American policy-makers to protect the national security of the USA? What are we waiting for and not waking up to the serious responsibilities? Are we waiting until the hands and tongues of the American public would be chopped off according to the savage Islamic Shariah? Are we waiting until the heads of American people would be brutally chopped off and throughts slit? Are we waiting until suicide bombing, slaughtering, plundering, burning and terror of maiming bodies will prevail in our shopping malls? Are we waiting until our Western style of living, freedom of expression and speech would be prohibbited and banned? Why the US does not support Copts (Christians of Egypt) and other Middle Eastern Christians, the first line of defence of the Western World, the State of Israel and the oil wells?
wisdom: Islamic Sharieha
2011-04-15 03:49:00
اسلام بدون كراهية لايسمى اسلام. كيف يمكن لمدرس الديانة الاسلامية ان يعلم الاطفال ان يحبوا غير المسلمين؟؟؟ اليس هو بهذا يعلم الاطفال تعاليم مخالفة للقران ولاحاديث محمد؟؟؟ هل يريدون تعليم الاطفال الديانة المسيحية تحت مسمى الاسلام... اين توجد المحبة في الاسلام وخاصة لغير المسلم... ماذا سيقول المعلم لتلاميذه عن اليهود والنصارى... هل سيقول لهم ان احبوا اليهود احفاد القردة والخنازير والنصارى الضالين؟؟؟؟ اسلام = كراهية = حقد = الغاء الاخر... ومع ذلك, تشكر جهود القائمين على مثل هذا العمل الرائع الذي فضح الاسلام الاصيل