16 - إثبات أزلية المسيح من الكتاب المقدس | DR170016

الأخ وحيد - الأخ سامي - شبهات وردود

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 شارك بتعليق 
  1. 16 - إثبات أزلية المسيح من الكتاب المقدس Hi Dear Brothers Wahid and Samy, Another great episode. Despite of the short time to answer such a significant question, Wahid provided a concise, precise and to the point answer. God bless you both. Faith Hope Love, Australia


  2. The video file has been corrected ... Thanks


  3. ربنا يبارك خدمتكم صلوا لأجلى


  4. This video is identical to last week's episode, please upload this week's video


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