شاهد واقرأ المزيد
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Britain's Islamic Republic | En020080
Dispatches - BBC - The True Face of Islam
مشاهدات 19670
تعليقات 1
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1 ملف
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2012-04-03 22:15:48
To Quran, Muslims are the worst Mafia-like Gangsters to Murder and Plunder In the West, when a Muslim lives in the West and commits a heinous crime like murdering, burning and plundering; they call that Mulsim was “radicalleized”! --------------- The West has still been missing a great deal of understanding and gripping the horrible and frightened truth about Islam. -------------------- Islam is not just another idea or belief, but the worst mafia-like gang to muder and plunder, a fascist ideology of terrorism and a satanic cult to control people under tyranny and injustice. To achieve robbery, corruption and depostism; Muslims plunder wealth through spreading out poverty, ignorance, disease and slaughtering freedom, liberty and dignity. --------------------------------- The West has been missing to come into grip with and grasp the reality about describing Islam as a “moderate” or “radical” or how terrorist crimnals have been radicalized? Or which is right are Muslims “radical” by Islam teachings and Quran’s instructions? Chapter Nine of Quran has been dedicated for Muslims to “Kill the Infidels wherever you find them”. Quran’s motto is “Chopping off necks, Decapitating and Beheading”. ----------------------- The sad reality is that the more the Muslim becomes devout the more he or she will be radicalized and turns into a tettorist to blow his body and others. Why? The reasons are the tenets of Koran and Islam is terrorist in nature and criminal in word and deed. The criminal founders of terrorist Islam did purge and assassinated each other without exception and are documented in Arabia’s history and nothing is new. ----------------- The founders by Muhammad and his gangsters and mobsters have purged and slaughterd each other in cold blood through all stages of Islam’s history. Wake up the West and Stand Up against Islam and Quran altogether. Western “Mafia” and Eastern “Communism” are peaceful angels compared to Islam’s Terrorism.
wisdom: To Quran, Muslims are the worst Mafia-like Gangsters to Murder and Plunder