شاهد واقرأ المزيد
- 11.03.10 SUICIDE KILLERS - القتلة الإنتحاريون 44600 مشاهدات
- 22.11.09 Terrorist Camps In America 15711 مشاهدات
- 08.12.09 Honor Killings In America 13231 مشاهدات
- 24.09.10 Controversial About Banning The Burqa In Australia 14633 مشاهدات
- 29.09.10 The Islamization of Paris a Warning to the West 15508 مشاهدات
- 05.02.11 Hanity to Iman Anjem Choudary: You are one sick miserable evil sob 13790 مشاهدات
- 12.10.11 Deadly clashes between pro-Coptic Christian protesters and security forces 11690 مشاهدات
- 21.03.10 The Final Events of Bible Prophecy 17790 مشاهدات
- 02.04.12 12 - Why did Jesus Die? 13321 مشاهدات
- 11.08.12 08 - Christ, the Manifested Jehovah: Jesus is Jehovah, Which Is - Ep8 13527 مشاهدات
12 - Special Interview with a Former Muslim | En090012
Al Fadi - Daniel Shayeste - Al Hayat Channel - The Islamic Dilemma
مشاهدات 27656
تعليقات 0
An overview of the show and an interview with a former Muslim from Iran who went from being a revolutionary hero to a fugitive who was running for his life. Learn how the Lord met him in another country outside of Iran and his journey to Salvation. Do not miss this incredible testimony of how the Lord can work even in the darkest of hours - Daniel Shayeste - 1 Hour Special
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