Rashid is taking off the mask - رشيد يكشف القناع | EK010002

English / إنجليزي

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تعليقات 4

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    تحميل الملف - عرض

4 تعليق

 شارك بتعليق 
  1. To RACHID: You are considered a PIONEER and the LIGHTHOUSE who guided these ships to safety after a long high risk high seas sailing. You reminded me of Colombus who discovered America (the NEW WORLD ) and brought all these people to the land of freedom and democracy. May the LORD bless your effors and keep serving Jesus ...this is his plan for you...my brother.. We LOVE YOU


  2. May God our father richly bless you brother, give his peace and fill your heart with his love?


  3. ربنا يبا ركك يا احلى رشيد وربنا بيزيدك نعمة كل يوم وتكون لسان لنا فى الدنيا كلها لانك احسن سفير لنا وياريت تهديهم حلقات كشف القناع بعد ترجمتها بالانجليزية

    ابراهيم السيد

  4. very nice speech,,, everything that rachid said is true...THAT IS the ISLAM RELIGION


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