Anti Shariah Conference En020078
Brigitte Gabriel - The Tennessean Video -
The True Face of Islam
This is a very telling lecture. It hits at the root of what is happening in American Universities and what is happening to our culture. This fight is as real and costly as any combat this nation has been through in the past. The battlefield is non-conventional, but so are the methods of our enemies.
28382 مشاهدات 2 تعليقات11.01.11
we will destroy America ... we will destroy Britain and all of their leaders will be under our feet ... we will establish Islam over their noses En020058
British salafi Abu Hafs - The Islamic Awakening Conference -
The True Face of Islam
12874 مشاهدات 1 تعليقات
أربعة أرطال من الأنتراكس يشيلها فدائي كفيلة بقتل 330 ألف أمريكي أذا أتقن نثرها على الوعاء السكاني هناك DA070277
د. عبد الله النفيسي - قناة الجزيرة -
الوجه الحقيقي للإسلام
د. عبد الله النفيسي - الكويت: أربعة أرطال من الأنتراكس يشيلها فدائي كفيلة بقتل 330 ألف أمريكي أذا أتقن نثرها على الوعاء السكاني هناك - الإرهابيون أتقى وأشرف وأحسن ناس في العالم - عداوتنا لليهود دائمة كما جاء في القرآن ومن يقول غير ذلك فهو كافر.
17658 مشاهدات 13 تعليقات22.08.10
Pictures from New York - مشاهد من نيويورك SO020007
إسلاميات دوت كوم -
22506 مشاهدات 12 تعليقات
Dr. Terry Jones: Islam Is of the Devil En020036
Pastor Terry Jones - Hani Madhoun - Alyona Show -
The True Face of Islam
Islam Is of the Devil, veteran pastor Dr. Terry Jones issues a radical call for Christians in America and around the world to take notice of the truth about Islam. He is planning a burn the Qur'an day on September 11th. Alyona finds out the reason behind this and asks if this is a sign that freedom of religion, no longer exists in America. Hani Madhoun blogger at Kabobfest and Dr. Terry Jones, Senior Pastor at Dove World Outreach Center join Alyona to debate.
18825 مشاهدات 5 تعليقات08.07.10
Hooray for the Protesters - Stop Islamization of America En020033
islameyat.com -
The True Face of Islam
Americans Stand Up Against Radical Islam in New York – We Will Not Submit! Not one major network sent a satellite truck or camera crew to this event. Without bloggers this newsworthy event would have remained unknown to the public and history On Sunday, June 6th, a multi-ethnic, multi-racial coalition of Americans opposed to Islamic violence and intolerance rallied at the site of the World Trade Center in New York City.
15329 مشاهدات 7 تعليقات06.04.10
Escape In A Human Cargo - Based on a true story AF020007
John McDonald -
أفلام وثقائية
John McDonald, an American trying to build low-cost housing in Saudi Arabia in 1977, is jailed by his Saudi partners, Fazza and Suliman, when the relationship sours. With his passport confiscated and unable to call on the U.S. government for help, he finds unexpected support from Dennis, an American oil businessman working in Saudi Arabia, who helps him make a harrowing escape.
43447 مشاهدات 7 تعليقات14.12.09
Geert Wilders warning to America En020014
Geert Wilders -
The True Face of Islam
16945 مشاهدات 1 تعليقات
Obama Admits He Is A Muslim En020015
Feel The Change Media -
The True Face of Islam
21151 مشاهدات 3 تعليقات