موقع إسلاميات القديم

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كلام في المحظور

شاهد أجزاء كلام في المحظور

إعجاز القرآن - الأخ رشيد

هو أحد المواضيع التي تثار يوميا على صفحات الجرائد والمجلات والمواقع العربية والإسلامية وتناقش على شاشات الفضائيات وتعقد لأجلها المؤتمرات، ....

الكتاب المقدس المصور والناطق للأطفال

حملا الآن (ملف باور بوينت)

في الصميم

حلقات في الصميم بين القمص زكريا بطرس والأخ أحمد

المزيد من الروابط السريعة

( Posts ) apologetics

11 - Did Jesus Die on A Cross?

11 - Did Jesus Die on A Cross? En070011

Romel Ghossain - Jay Smith - Alhaya Channel - Australia -

Worlds Apart

Worlds Apart is a unique television program that was established to evangelise to the global Muslim community. It seeks to educate truth to Muslims about Christianity to encourage Christian to engage with their Muslim neighbours. Rather than showing the similarities between Christianity and Islam, the program demonstrates the apparent ideologies that are Worlds Apart.

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13599 مشاهدات 0 تعليقات
09 - Can God Have Son?

09 - Can God Have Son? En070009

Romel Ghossain - Jay Smith - Alhaya Channel - Australia -

Worlds Apart

Worlds Apart is a unique television program that was established to evangelise to the global Muslim community. It seeks to educate truth to Muslims about Christianity to encourage Christian to engage with their Muslim neighbours. Rather than showing the similarities between Christianity and Islam, the program demonstrates the apparent ideologies that are Worlds Apart.

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13158 مشاهدات 2 تعليقات
10 - Could God Become a Man?

10 - Could God Become a Man? En070010

Romel Ghossain - Jay Smith - Alhaya Channel - Australia -

Worlds Apart

Worlds Apart is a unique television program that was established to evangelise to the global Muslim community. It seeks to educate truth to Muslims about Christianity to encourage Christian to engage with their Muslim neighbours. Rather than showing the similarities between Christianity and Islam, the program demonstrates the apparent ideologies that are Worlds Apart.

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13151 مشاهدات 0 تعليقات
08 - What is Christianity?

08 - What is Christianity? En070008

Romel Ghossain - Jay Smith - Alhaya Channel - Australia -

Worlds Apart

Worlds Apart is a unique television program that was established to evangelise to the global Muslim community. It seeks to educate truth to Muslims about Christianity to encourage Christian to engage with their Muslim neighbours. Rather than showing the similarities between Christianity and Islam, the program demonstrates the apparent ideologies that are Worlds Apart.

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13028 مشاهدات 0 تعليقات
07 - Role of Women

07 - Role of Women En070007

Romel Ghossain - Jay Smith - Alhaya Channel - Australia -

Worlds Apart

Worlds Apart is a unique television program that was established to evangelise to the global Muslim community. It seeks to educate truth to Muslims about Christianity to encourage Christian to engage with their Muslim neighbours. Rather than showing the similarities between Christianity and Islam, the program demonstrates the apparent ideologies that are Worlds Apart.

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13270 مشاهدات 0 تعليقات
06 - Manuscripts

06 - Manuscripts En070006

Romel Ghossain - Jay Smith - Alhaya Channel - Australia -

Worlds Apart

Worlds Apart is a unique television program that was established to evangelise to the global Muslim community. It seeks to educate truth to Muslims about Christianity to encourage Christian to engage with their Muslim neighbours. Rather than showing the similarities between Christianity and Islam, the program demonstrates the apparent ideologies that are Worlds Apart.

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12989 مشاهدات 0 تعليقات
05 - Quran Vs Bible Integrity

05 - Quran Vs Bible Integrity En070005

Romel Ghossain - Jay Smith - Alhaya Channel - Australia -

Worlds Apart

Worlds Apart is a unique television program that was established to evangelise to the global Muslim community. It seeks to educate truth to Muslims about Christianity to encourage Christian to engage with their Muslim neighbours. Rather than showing the similarities between Christianity and Islam, the program demonstrates the apparent ideologies that are Worlds Apart.

للمزيد أضغط هنا

12414 مشاهدات 0 تعليقات
04 - Jesus Vs Muhammad

04 - Jesus Vs Muhammad En070004

Romel Ghossain - Jay Smith - Alhaya Channel - Australia -

Worlds Apart

Worlds Apart is a unique television program that was established to evangelise to the global Muslim community. It seeks to educate truth to Muslims about Christianity to encourage Christian to engage with their Muslim neighbours. Rather than showing the similarities between Christianity and Islam, the program demonstrates the apparent ideologies that are Worlds Apart.

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10917 مشاهدات 0 تعليقات
03 - The Rise of Islam

03 - The Rise of Islam En070003

Romel Ghossain - Jay Smith - Alhaya Channel - Australia -

Worlds Apart

Worlds Apart is a unique television program that was established to evangelise to the global Muslim community. It seeks to educate truth to Muslims about Christianity to encourage Christian to engage with their Muslim neighbours. Rather than showing the similarities between Christianity and Islam, the program demonstrates the apparent ideologies that are Worlds Apart.

للمزيد أضغط هنا

10533 مشاهدات 0 تعليقات
02 - What is Islam?

02 - What is Islam? En070002

Romel Ghossain - Jay Smith - Alhaya Channel - Australia -

Worlds Apart

Worlds Apart is a unique television program that was established to evangelise to the global Muslim community. It seeks to educate truth to Muslims about Christianity to encourage Christian to engage with their Muslim neighbours. Rather than showing the similarities between Christianity and Islam, the program demonstrates the apparent ideologies that are Worlds Apart.

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10849 مشاهدات 1 تعليقات