الكتاب المقدس المصور والناطق للأطفال

حملا الآن (ملف باور بوينت)

Derasa Online

موقع دراسه اون لاين متميز في الدراسات الكتابيه واللاهوتية والمعرفة الروحية.

إنجيل يسوع الملك

تقديم الفس نزار شاهين

الكتاب الهزلي للإسلام

حمل ملف الباور البوينت

إعجاز القرآن - الأخ رشيد

هو أحد المواضيع التي تثار يوميا على صفحات الجرائد والمجلات والمواقع العربية والإسلامية وتناقش على شاشات الفضائيات وتعقد لأجلها المؤتمرات، ....

في الصميم

حلقات في الصميم بين القمص زكريا بطرس والأخ أحمد

المزيد من الروابط السريعة

( Posts ) die

12 - Why did Jesus Die?

12 - Why did Jesus Die? En070012

Romel Ghossain - Jay Smith - Alhaya Channel - Australia -

Worlds Apart

Worlds Apart is a unique television program that was established to evangelise to the global Muslim community. It seeks to educate truth to Muslims about Christianity to encourage Christian to engage with their Muslim neighbours. Rather than showing the similarities between Christianity and Islam, the program demonstrates the apparent ideologies that are Worlds Apart.

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12383 مشاهدات 0 تعليقات
11 - Did Jesus Die on A Cross?

11 - Did Jesus Die on A Cross? En070011

Romel Ghossain - Jay Smith - Alhaya Channel - Australia -

Worlds Apart

Worlds Apart is a unique television program that was established to evangelise to the global Muslim community. It seeks to educate truth to Muslims about Christianity to encourage Christian to engage with their Muslim neighbours. Rather than showing the similarities between Christianity and Islam, the program demonstrates the apparent ideologies that are Worlds Apart.

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12810 مشاهدات 0 تعليقات
Fear of Islam ... Is anti-Islamic sentiment on the rise in Australia?

Fear of Islam ... Is anti-Islamic sentiment on the rise in Australia? En020046

Jenny Brockie - Reza Aslan - Nonie Darwish - Mark Durie - Randa Abdel-Fattah - Sheikh Mohamadu Nawas Saleem - Ikebal Patel - Insight - SBS channel - Australia -

The True Face of Islam

What's fuelling the rise in anti-Islamic sentiment across Europe and the United States? INSIGHT examines why it's happening at this time and what's really driving this backlash. European countries, where the doors were once wide open, are closing and the success of multiculturalism is being questioned. In the US, recent polls show that anti-Islamic sentiment is higher now than one month after the September 11 attacks. Is this anti-Islamic sentiment on the rise in Australia? INSIGHT puts these questions to a very diverse audience.

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20003 مشاهدات 3 تعليقات

Satanic Verses En010004

Salman Rushdie -


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