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برنامج متميز لحماية جهاز الكمبيوتر من الهاكرز والفيروسات وأنت على الإنترنت
Jesus or Muhamed En010013 -
Jesus or Muhamed ?! . A questions is being asked for years ! Christians do believe that Jesus is God , Muslims consider Jesus is a prophet of God and believe that Muhamed is the last God`s prophets . What does Make Jesus a God ?!! Is Muhamed a real prophet of God? Common questions are being asked . One of them is the absolute truth and the other covers all criteria for being false prophet. And getting the best answer is by magnifying the lives of those 2 different characters ,then realizing that extreme difference between them. This book is directed to everyone honestly searches for the truth ,the book simply records the details of Jesus and Muhamed`s lives and their different teachings for humanity . All data included in this book are totally documented in the holy Bible ,holy Quran and in Islamic books, According to these data , Jesus and Muahamed manifest very different ways of life behavior and teachings therefor they can Never be of the same source .!!
11425 مشاهدات 0 تعليقات24.11.10
A BURQA-CLAD mother of seven who claimed she was the victim of mistaken identity has been jailed for six months En020050
aca - Channel 9 - Australia -
The True Face of Islam
A BURQA-CLAD mother of seven who claimed she was the victim of mistaken identity has been jailed for six months for making a false complaint against a police officer. Magistrate Robert Rabbidge dismissed Carnita Matthews' allegations that a highway patrol officer was racist after he pulled her over for a Random Breath Test and claims he forcibly tried to remove her face veil as false.
16520 مشاهدات 2 تعليقات