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Watch Alhayat Channel Middle East & North America on your IPhone and IPad - شاهد قناة الحياة الشرق الأوسط وأمريكا الشمالية على الأيفون والأي باد

Watch Alhayat Channel Middle East & North America on your IPhone and IPad - شاهد قناة الحياة الشرق الأوسط وأمريكا الشمالية على الأيفون والأي باد

الإنضمام لصفحتنا على الفيسبوك

الإنضمام لصفحتنا على الفيسبوك

دروس بالمراسلة

دروس بالمراسلة

Derasa Online

موقع دراسه اون لاين متميز في الدراسات الكتابيه واللاهوتية والمعرفة الروحية.

كلام في المحظور

شاهد أجزاء كلام في المحظور

المزيد من الروابط السريعة

( Posts ) marriage

10 - The Dilemma of Sharia Law - Ep3

10 - The Dilemma of Sharia Law - Ep3 En090010

Al Fadi - Bill Warner - Al Hayat Channel -

The Islamic Dilemma

Part III - A general discussion on Sharia Law - main focus on treatment of wives (i.e. wife beating, marriage, divorce), people of other faith (i.e. Christians, Jews, Hindus, Atheist, etc…) and their treatment under Sharia Law. What about stealth Jihad?

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13646 مشاهدات 0 تعليقات
07 - The Status of Women in Islam - Ep2

07 - The Status of Women in Islam - Ep2 En090007

Al Fadi - Bill Warner - Al Hayat Channel -

The Islamic Dilemma

(The Dilemma of Equality) A general discussion on the status of women as taught primarily by the Quran, along with Hadith, and Sharia. The focus is on marriage, child marriage, divorce, and remarriage. Statistical study on equality and overall status of women in Islam's foundational sources. Are women evil or the source of evil? watch this interesting episode to decide for yourself.

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11941 مشاهدات 0 تعليقات
Never Without My Daughter - مستحيل من غير إبنتي

Never Without My Daughter - مستحيل من غير إبنتي En020003

channel 9 - Australian TV

The True Face of Islam

A story of an Australian woman whose Muslim husband kidnapped her daughter and fled Australian territories to Cairo - Egypt. The woman kept struggling for two years to have her daughter. Finally she is back at her homeland.

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15191 مشاهدات 0 تعليقات