إعجاز القرآن - الأخ رشيد
هو أحد المواضيع التي تثار يوميا على صفحات الجرائد والمجلات والمواقع العربية والإسلامية وتناقش على شاشات الفضائيات وتعقد لأجلها المؤتمرات، ....
10 - The Dilemma of Sharia Law - Ep3 En090010
Al Fadi - Bill Warner - Al Hayat Channel -
The Islamic Dilemma
Part III - A general discussion on Sharia Law - main focus on treatment of wives (i.e. wife beating, marriage, divorce), people of other faith (i.e. Christians, Jews, Hindus, Atheist, etc…) and their treatment under Sharia Law. What about stealth Jihad?
13646 مشاهدات 0 تعليقات02.03.13
06 - The Status of Women in Islam - Ep1 En090006
Al Fadi - Bill Warner - Al Hayat Channel -
The Islamic Dilemma
(The Dilemma of Equality) A general discussion on the status of women as taught primarily by the Quran, along with Hadith, with emphasis on their impact on Sharia Law. Our guest Bill Warner provides a very interesting statistical analysis of the status of women in both the Quran and Hadith, with a focus is on wife beating.
29416 مشاهدات 0 تعليقات