The Final Events of Bible Prophecy | En060003

Pastor Doug Batchelor - Studies

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The Final Events of Bible Prophecy. Bible prophecy come to life as this amazing 43 minutes documentary unfolds the dramatic events of tomorrow. Hosted by author and evangelist Pastor Doug Batchelor. It's great video for church & youth groups as well as private study.

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3 تعليق

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  1. This is disgusting moronic rubbish. So, 'the increase in knowledge' is a 'sign'. Too right it is! A rejection of dogma written by those who thought the earth was flat! None of the catastrophes mentioned match that of the period of the destruction of the dinosaurs. They were wiped out over the course of HALF A MILLION YEARS due to a couple of cataclysmic encounters with huge asteroid that ultimately destoyed their food suppliy and froze the survivors to death. Teach THAT to your Bible classes. The opening scenes are all in America. What about Europe, China, Asia, Africa and Australia? These barely exist for most Americans. 'Despisers of good'. The Western world's charities keep the Third World afloat!


  2. سلام ونعمه اتمنى ان هذا الفليم يترجم الى العربيه فعلا هذا رجاء واتمنى تحقيقه الرب معكم


  3. very very very expressive film and truly we need this film be translated to Arabic language very soon please, we hope that you will take this matter seriously.... if it possible translation be by talking not writing because it will be more impressive. thank you for your hard working with this film.God bless you all brothers.


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